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We offer an enjoyable way to learn and study.

Melvaidaly Arévalo

Teacher 6 A

Diego León

Teacher 6 BC


1. Qualitative vs quantitative data. Tutorial video

2. Graphing on a coodinate plane. Tutorial video

Number Sense

1. Natural numbers, whole numbers, integers, and rational numbers. Tutorial video

2. Integers: Negative and positive numbers (Comparing them >, < or =). Tutorial video

3. Coordinate grid game (It requires flash so, use internet explorer or firefox explore) : Find Aliens


1. Solving integers addition and subtraction with virtual chips:

    Tutorial video about how the virtual chips work

    Virtual Chips

2. Adding and subtracting integers: Tutorial video

3. Adding and subtracting integers: Tutorial video (solving exampies)

4. Add and subtract integers: Practice

5. Add and subtract integers: Game 

6. Subtracting integers: Race game

7. Making integers: Spiders match game

8. Multiplying integers: Game

9. Multiplying integers: Car racing game

10. Multiplying integers: Pick the correct factors: Game

11. Dividing integers: Tutorial video

12. Integers Jeopardy. All basic operations: Game


1. Solving basic equations: Tutorial video

2. Find the value of x: Game


1. Rules explanation: Tutorial video

2. Order of operations: Video 2

3. Practice worksheets with answers. Scroll down and choose the option you need: Online

4. Practice order of operations worksheets with answers: Fractions

5. Practice order of operations worksheets with answers: Integers


1. Ratio introduction: Video

2. Find equivalent ratios : Matching game

3. Ratio word problems: Practice


1. Proportios introduction: Tutorial video

2. Proportions word problems: Worksheets ansers in the last two pages

3. Changing Recipe quantities with proportions: Worsheets. Three examples.

4. Dirt Bike proportions: Game

5. Compare ratios: Game

6. Ratios and proportions: Practice

7. Ratios and proportions: Practice 2

Brain workout

1. 10 math games that will boost your brain power by 80. Video

2.  10 easy math games that will drive you insane. Video

3. 10 Juegos Mentales que te pondrán a pensar. Video

4. 15 Tricky matchsticks Puzzles Only Brilliant Minds can solve. Video 

5. 9 Acertijos para ejercitar tu mente. Video

Strong brain.jpg
Gemetric cubes.png


1. Origami and math. Video

2. Surface area and volume video


Types of graphs

statistics 1.png

1. Types of graphs basic. Tutorial video

2. Which type of graph do I use? Tutorial video

Central tendency measures

1. Mean, Media and mode: Measueres of central tendency. Tutorial video

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